In English

Heinola Farm is a bio-dynamic farm located in Mäntsälä, South Finland. It’s about 50 kms from Helsinki; the nearest train station in Haarajoki is about 8 kms away.

The farm is owned by the Foundation of Bio-dynamic Farming and administered by the Heinola Farm Community Cooperative. The main interest of the co-op is to develop the farm to a community, where people can live and work according to the principles of sustainable growth, using locally produced organic products and preferring healthy lifestyle. The farm is part of the anti-GMO movement.

The whole area of the farms is 45 hectares, of which 24 ha are fields, 8 ha pastures and 13 ha forests. Part of the area is a preserved heritage biotope. There are few cows and calves and two horses. The co-op of the community farm grows many kinds of vegetables with a small CSA (community supported agriculture) group. The greenhouse produces tomatoes, cucumbers and small amounts of other products during the Summer season, and plants and seedlings are sold at Spring. Most of the vegetable farming is done by the volunteers and organized by a couple of entrepreneurs.

The farm is open to public during the events, for example the Spring Fest in May and the Harvest Party in September. The small help-yourself-kind of selling booth is open from 5th of June 2016, there you can find the seasonal produces. Meat is sold separately a couple of times a year. If you wish to visit the farm outside the events, please contact beforehands.


heinolanmaatila (a)

+358 (0)44 977 4634 / farm

+358 (0)400 703937 / Suvi Lehtonen (chairwoman of the co-op and a gardener)

Address: Eteläinen pikatie 540, 04480 Haarajoki